February 17, 2012

CBS Detroit & News-Medical; WSU's Doctor Robert Welch discusses methods to improve long seizures.

WSU reveals improved method for paramedics to stop long seizures Drug delivery directly into muscle using an autoinjector is faster and may be more effective in stopping prolonged seizures, according to a study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and conducted by a Wayne State University School of Medicine researcher. The trial compared the effectiveness of two Federal Drug Administration-approved anti-seizure medications and how they are administered to patients suffering prolonged seizures before they arrive at hospitals. The Rapid Anticonvulsant Medication Prior to Arrival Trial, or RAMPART, was designed to determine whether midazolam or lorazepam are safer and more effective when paramedics are called to treat patients whose seizures aren't stopping. The prolonged seizures, called status epilepticus, create an emergency situation, said Dr. Robert Welch, professor in WSU's Department of Emergency Medicine, who oversaw the Detroit portion of the study.


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